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Aurora, Ontario
Town of Aurora, Ontario

Please note, the rates quoted in the first table below only represent the municipal share of property tax rates.

Town of Aurora Taxes

Aurora Taxes

Local Property Taxes (rate per $1,000 of assessed value)

Note: Properties in Ontario are not subject to personal or state/provincial taxes.

Combined Provincial and Federal Corporate Taxes

 Jan. 1 2019 July 1 2019 Jan. 1 2020 July 1 2020 
General/Manufacturing and Processing (General Corporation)25.0%25.0%25.0%25.0%
General; Active Business Income (General Corporation)26.5%26.5%26.5%26.5%
Small Business Income up to $500,000 (Canadian Controlled Private Companies)12.5%12.5%12.5%12.5%
General Active Business Income (Canadian Controlled Private Companies)26.5%26.5%26.5%26.5%
Source: home.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/ca/pdf/2019/04/federal-and-provincial-territorial-tax-rates-for-income-earned-by-a-general-corporation.pdf

Personal Income Tax - Combined Federal and Ontario Rates - 2019 (Including Surtax)

Taxable Income (Can$) Marginal Rate Capital Gains Canadian Eligible Dividends Canadian Non
first $43,90620.05%10.03%-6.86%8.89%
over $43,906 up to $47,63024.15%12.08%-1.20%13.61%
over $47,630 up to $77,31329.65%14.83%6.39%19.93%
over $77,313 up to $87,81331.48%15.74%8.92%22.04%
over $87,813 up to $91,10133.89%16.95%12.24%24.81%
over $91,101 up to $95,25937.91%18.95%17.79%29.43%
over $95,259 up to $147,66743.41%21.70%25.38%35.76%
over $147,667 up to $150,00046.41%23.20%29.52%39.21%
over $150,000 up to $210,37147.97%23.98%31.67%41.00%
over $210,371 up to $220,00051.97%25.98%37.19%45.6%
Over $220,00053.53%26.76%39.34%47.4%
* Source: www.taxtips.ca/taxrates/on.htm

Sales Tax Rates

 2019 Further Info: 
Harmonized Sales Tax (Ontario)13%http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/rts-eng.html

Employee Benefit Costs

Employee Benefit Costs 2018 Mandatory by Employer Common Practice for Employers 
Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to maximum premium of $2,593.80/year4.95%4.95%
Employment Insurance Commission to employer maximum premium of $1,302.84/year1.66%1.66%
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board*Varies depending on industry see http://bit.ly/2krwoOt
Employer Health Tax (EHT) on payrolls over $450,000 0.98% to 1.95%Calculated by multiplying your Ontario payroll for the year after deducting any tax exemption by the applicable tax rate (between 0.98% to 1.95% )
Vacation4% (2 weeks)6% (3 weeks)
Paid Public Holidays9 Days (3.6%)11 Days (4.40%)
Pension ContributionN/A5-6%
Group Insurance (life, health, sickness, dental, vision, physical/mental fitness)N/A4-7%
Typical Total22.53%31.6-35.6%
* Source: taxtips.ca/cppandei/eirates.htm     cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/pyrll/clcltng/ei/cnt-chrt-pf-eng.html     cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/pyrll/clcltng/cpp-rpc/cnt-chrt-pf-eng.html     cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/pyrll/clcltng/ei/cnt-chrt-pf-eng.html     fin.gov.on.ca/en/tax/eht/index.html     bit.ly/2krwoOt (WSIB Premium rates table)     labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/tools/esworkbook/vacation.php     labour.gov.on.ca/english/es/pubs/guide/publicholidays.php    

Aurora Taxes

Manager of Strategic Initiatives905-726-4742
1-800-269-3753 ext. 4742
{{logo}}Town of Aurora
100 John West Way, Box 1000
Aurora  On
L4G 6J1




Local Property Taxes (rate per $1,000 of assessed value)


Note: Properties in Ontario are not subject to personal or state/provincial taxes.


Combined Provincial and Federal Corporate Taxes

  Jan. 1 2019  July 1 2019  Jan. 1 2020  July 1 2020 
General/Manufacturing and Processing (General Corporation) 25.0% 25.0% 25.0% 25.0%
General; Active Business Income (General Corporation) 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5%
Small Business Income up to $500,000 (Canadian Controlled Private Companies) 12.5% 12.5% 12.5% 12.5%
General Active Business Income (Canadian Controlled Private Companies) 26.5% 26.5% 26.5% 26.5%

Source: home.kpmg/content/dam/kpmg/ca/pdf/2019/04/federal-and-provincial-territorial-tax-rates-for-income-earned-by-a-general-corporation.pdf


Personal Income Tax - Combined Federal and Ontario Rates - 2019 (Including Surtax)

Taxable Income (Can$) Marginal Rate Capital Gains Canadian Eligible Dividends Canadian Non
first $43,906 20.05% 10.03% -6.86% 8.89%
over $43,906 up to $47,630 24.15% 12.08% -1.20% 13.61%
over $47,630 up to $77,313 29.65% 14.83% 6.39% 19.93%
over $77,313 up to $87,813 31.48% 15.74% 8.92% 22.04%
over $87,813 up to $91,101 33.89% 16.95% 12.24% 24.81%
over $91,101 up to $95,259 37.91% 18.95% 17.79% 29.43%
over $95,259 up to $147,667 43.41% 21.70% 25.38% 35.76%
over $147,667 up to $150,000 46.41% 23.20% 29.52% 39.21%
over $150,000 up to $210,371 47.97% 23.98% 31.67% 41.00%
over $210,371 up to $220,000 51.97% 25.98% 37.19% 45.6%
Over $220,000 53.53% 26.76% 39.34% 47.4%

* Source: www.taxtips.ca/taxrates/on.htm


Sales Tax Rates

2019 Further Info:
Harmonized Sales Tax (Ontario) 13% http://www.cra-arc.gc.ca/tx/bsnss/tpcs/gst-tps/rts-eng.html

Employee Benefit Costs

Employee Benefit Costs 2018 Mandatory by Employer Common Practice for Employers
Canada Pension Plan (CPP) to maximum premium of $2,593.80/year 4.95% 4.95%
Employment Insurance Commission to employer maximum premium of $1,302.84/year 1.66% 1.66%
Workplace Safety and Insurance Board *Varies depending on industry see http://bit.ly/2krwoOt
Employer Health Tax (EHT) on payrolls over $450,000 0.98% to 1.95% Calculated by multiplying your Ontario payroll for the year after deducting any tax exemption by the applicable tax rate (between 0.98% to 1.95% )
Vacation 4% (2 weeks) 6% (3 weeks)
Paid Public Holidays 9 Days (3.6%) 11 Days (4.40%)
Pension Contribution N/A 5-6%
Group Insurance (life, health, sickness, dental, vision, physical/mental fitness) N/A 4-7%
Typical Total 22.53% 31.6-35.6%

* Source

Town of Aurora